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Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer

5 Youtube Videos That Will Inspire Your Inner Explorer

Hey, lemme ask ya somethin’.

Have you ever been mesmerized by nature? Like when you’ve been climbing a trail, your legs are burning, your back hurts, you just wanna be done – but then you get to the top and see that view.

Or if you’re out in the middle of nowhere, and you realize how many stars there really are, and it puts our little world into perspective, just for a moment.

Or maybe you’ve taken an early morning walk, and in the quiet you suddenly notice more than normal. You notice the dew on blades of grass, the mist rising as the sun starts to warm the ground, the little sounds that insects and birds make when there’s no one around to interrupt them.

Sometimes nature is just magical AF.

I think the more you get out and go exploring, the more of those moments you run into, and the more you experience them, the more you want to. It’s an addicting cycle. But as far as addictions go, exploring our world is a pretty damn good one.

So to help inspire your inner explorer

Here are 5 short, beautiful videos.

By the end you’re guaranteed to get the urge to grab a bag, stuff some clothes in it, strap on your camera, and head out on an adventure. If life get’s in the way of that urge, though, you can always just check out this list of Adventure movies on Netflix to watch while you actually plan your trip.

Psh. Plans. So responsible.

Enjoy the vids!

A Galactic Timelapse

That’ll make you want to drive out to the middle of nowhere just so you can see those stars.

Blow this one up to full screen and prepare to literally be mesmerized.

A visual tour of Yellowstone National Park

That’ll make you want to pack up and go explore it for days.

Yellowstone National Park is uber famous – partly because most people think it’s gonna blow us all up one day, and people keep falling into the boiling hot springs… please stay on the boardwalks! – but also because it’s just unbelievably beautiful.

A winter timelapse from Iceland focusing on the amazing skies and storms.

If Iceland wasn’t on your explorer’s bucket list, it is now.

Those ice caves tho.

Amazing. Scenery. Everywhere.

This video will make you want to buy a ticket to literally everywhere ever. And go on adventures forever. Bring your camera, obvi.

This one is a little longer, but SO worth it. Watch it all the way through. It’ll do your inner explorer good.

Hint: Dudes jumping into a giant hole in the ground.

Excuse me while I go live in these forests. Forward my mail to PO Box Awesome Tree on the left.

A gorgeous compilation of Norway’s scenery that’ll make you want to go there. Like now.

Norway is on my travel bucket list. Not for the cities (even though those look awesome too) but because I want to go explore Norway’s nature scene. The rivers alone would be worth it.

Ready to go explore?

Let me know what you think! Which video is your favorite?

5 Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer 5 Beautiful videos to inspire your inner explorer

Tech obsessed professional dog-petter with a camera and a website or two. Sometimes wine's involved, usually Starbucks.